Wednesday, October 26, 2011

When you feel sad... Cycle!

According to a recent study from the American College of Sports Medicine, just one 30-minute exercise session can boost your mood and tackle depression.

This is good news, since most people have 30 minutes to spare. Whether it's waking up a little extra early in the morning, or getting on your bike after a stressful day at work, cycling has proven to eliminate the agitation that's been building up all day while effectively  enhancing your mood.

Now, the science might be a little complicated, but exercising can boost your mood. It all comes down to a heightened production of chemicals in the brain that work to keep you happy (i.e., serotonin, dopamine and phenylethylamine). Additionally, exercise also releases growth hormones that increase the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain which stimulates the release of powerful mood-enhancing endorphins. These chemical messengers can create euphoria and pain relief that is stronger than morphine!

Alongside the psychological and emotional benefits of exercise, also remember that it can boost confidence by helping you get into shape and meet exercise goals, it can take your mind off worries, increase social interaction – with like-minded cyclists – and help you feel more in control.

Do you really need any more reasons to get on your bike? 

1. American College of Sports Medicine

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