Thursday, November 17, 2011

Winter Cycling

I wanted to share a fantastic piece I heard on VPR (Vermont Public Radio) about year-round cycling enthusiasts in Vermont. Instead of putting your bikes away for winter, their message is: Keep Riding.

David Cohen
The piece is centered around two cyclists named, Phil Brubaker and Dave Cohen who are collectively developing a series of bike workshops. Although they are both pychotherapists, they jokingly refer to themselves as cycle therapists because of their fervor for riding and: "trying to create a community around it, trying to get these kids on bikes."

Brubaker believes that 20 minutes a day is all that is needed to boost your mental health and to reduce the onset of depression. He notes that depression is often more prevalent in the winter as the shorter days and longer nights often affect an individual's psyche. And along with exercise comes improved physicality as well as reduced stress.

David Cohen adds:  "For us biking represents a way back to experiencing the world in a renewed way, using our bodies ... for transport. And knowing the terrain, too. That's something you don't necessarily feel when you're in a car."

So in December, when you are putting your bikes away for the winter, I would recommend that you reconsider. Just be careful for black ice if you do decide to ride. I will post a list of tips for cycling in the winter so that you are safe and better prepared!

Listen to this piece here:

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